January 27, 2010
open letter to Alex Trebek
For a few years now, my husband, Nick, has been trying to get on your show. You know, that little Jeopardy project of yours. Frankly, I find your show kind of taxing to watch because of all of that fast-thinking involved — I mean, I've already spent nine hours at work; do I really need to spend 30 more minutes straining my brain? — but Nick lives for it. He watches it daily, spews out questions before you've even finished saying the answers, and calls his parents to let them know that he got Final Jeopardy right again. It's annoying, yet endearing, all at the same time.
He takes your online qualifying test whenever it's available, and I'm always amazed at how many answers (er, questions) he knows (since I stand over his shoulder watching nervously to see if he knows them). Sure, he misses a few, and occasionally puts "turd" or "turdville" in the response box when he doesn't know the right answer (er, question), but you like a good sense of humor, don't you, Alex? Isn't it important for Jeopardy contestants to be smart and entertaining?
I know a lot of people think they should be on Jeopardy. But the thing is, I know that my husband should be on Jeopardy. He'll probably get mad at my for "hyping him up" in this letter, but I just thought I'd give it a shot, because I think he's really, really smart. And handsome... but that's beside the point.
Anyway, please consider my plea. Oh, and if you need some new business cards or something, I'd be happy to design some in exchange for getting Nick on your show. It's the least I can do. Think about it.
PS, have I told you how great you look without your mustache? Like a fine wine, you have only improved with age! (Too much? Okay, I'm done...)
January 26, 2010
babies & blocks
Check out these Neutraface Slab blocks. Neutraface is one of my favorite fonts of late... so how can I possibly resist?

all images via House Industries; also seen on Duet Letterpress
January 25, 2010
"If you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."
Conan took a moment toward the end of the show to say a few heartfelt words about his experience, and he couldn't have said it better. In case you missed it, here is what he said (you can watch the video here):
"Before we end this rodeo, a few things need to be said. There has been a lot of speculation in the press about what I legally can and can't say about NBC. To set the record straight, tonight I am allowed to say anything I want. And what I want to say is this: between my time at Saturday Night Live, The Late Night Show, and my brief run here on The Tonight Show, I have worked with NBC for over twenty years. Yes, we have our differences right now and yes, we're going to go our separate ways. But this company has been my home for most of my adult life. I am enormously proud of the work we have done together, and I want to thank NBC for making it all possible. I really do.So true, Coco. So true. I firmly believe that being a good person will take you far in life, and I believe that Conan is one of those good people. I also hope that some young people (and adults, for that matter) heard his message and will now think twice about their cynicism and lack of kindness. Life is just too short.A lot of people have been asking me about my state of mind, and I'll be honest with you — walking away from The Tonight Show is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Making this choice has been enormously difficult. This is the best job in the world, I absolutely love doing it, and I have the best staff and crew in the history of the medium. But despite this sense of loss, I really feel this should be a happy moment. Every comedian — EVERY comedian — dreams of hosting The Tonight Show and, for seven months, I got to. I did it my way, with people I love, and I do not regret one second. I have had more good fortune than anyone I know and if our next gig is doing a show in a 7-11 parking lot, we will find a way to make it fun. We really will. I have no problems.
And finally, I have to say something to our fans. This massive outpouring of support and passion from so many people has been overwhelming for me. The rallies, the signs... all this goofy, outrageous creativity on the internet... the fact that people have traveled long distances and camped out all night in the pouring rain to be in our audience, has made a sad situation joyous and inspirational.
To all the people watching, I can never ever thank you enough for your kindness to me and I'll think about it for the rest of my life. All I ask of you is one thing, and I'm asking this particularly of the young people that watch: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism — for the record, it's my least favorite quality, and it doesn't lead anywhere.
Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."
Thanks to Conan for some wonderful years on NBC, seven awesome months on The Tonight Show, and for being such a stand-up guy. I can't wait to see what he does next.
January 22, 2010
forgotten tune: "While You See a Chance"
After having a bit more insight into his career, I gave some of his 80s hits a second listen... and I realized that if you can listen past the synthesizers (and really, really strange videos — exhibit A below), he has some really great songs. "While You See a Chance" is one of my favorites that I had forgotten about until I heard it on my drive home from work recently.
Nick and I went to the Steve Winwood & Eric Clapton concert last summer in Philly, and it was, hands down, one of the best concerts I've ever been to (second only to Paul McCartney). Both musicians have only improved with age and we became even more impressed with Winwood after seeing him master so many instruments on stage. He is a rare talent, indeed.
January 21, 2010
reason #753 to kick myself for donating the wrong stuff
While I'm proud of myself, I can't tell you how many times I have gotten rid of something that I later end up wishing I had never let go of. Example #753:

Now, I am not blaming my husband. Yes, we had too many vases (particularly as people who have fresh flowers in our home maaaaaybe 3 times a year) and yes, it was time to get rid of some clutter. But I would feel a much larger sense of victory right about now if I still had that stupid $12 vase that is a dead-ringer for a $90 version!!
That is all.
January 20, 2010
following the famous
Sometimes I surprise even myself with the useless pop culture knowledge that resides in my brain. I cannot find my way to my friends' houses without my GPS, but I can tell you that the girl who plays Brittany on Glee was actually one of Beyonce's "Single Ladies" backup dancers at the American Music Awards, and she was cut from season two of So You Think You Can Dance in the Vegas round. The first time I saw Mad Men, I immediately recognized Betty Draper (played by January Jones) as one of the American girls from the scene at the bar with Collin in "Love, Actually," where she probably had all of 4 minutes of screen-time. I love watching obscure performers get their big breaks, make names for themselves and pursue their dreams, and I love having "known" them when they were just getting started.
I don't even know why I know this stuff. It's like a sickness.
But I can't help it. I LOVE pop culture. And the internet only feeds my obsession. Twitter makes it oh-so-easy to know what celebrities are doing at all times. Blogs make it fun to see what they're really thinking (like the hilarious Ingrid Michaelson, the tree-hugging Jason Mraz, and the average girl next door Kelly Clarkson, whose open letter to Kanye West written after the MTV VMA debacle is priceless). People.com keeps me constantly in the loop with the latest happenings in Hollywood. I do draw the line at TMZ and Perez Hilton, though — let's keep it classy, ya know?
The way I explain it to Nick is that I love peeking into the lives of celebrities because, sometimes, compared to their crazy lives, it makes me feel very normal. And there is nothing wrong with normal. Plus, ya know, I like to see what they're wearing.
Are you a pop culture fiend?
January 19, 2010

Do you collect anything?
January 18, 2010
Pantone color of the year

... and my kitchen (which I painted five years ago [please ignore the mess in the sink])?

January 14, 2010
a Swift confession
I can't help it. I mean, have you heard the song "Fifteen"? Don't you remember how much high school sucked sometimes? And how it's now so clear to see just how naive you were back then? High school had it's high points for me, but it was also full of some not-so-high points of feeling misunderstood, let-down and unsure of where I fit in. This song takes me back to that confusing and frustrating time that is still a bit bittersweet for me to think about.
I've found time can heal most anythingI don't often openly admit to enjoying mainstream pop music because, well, it's just not "cool." But I can't help but have a soft spot for Taylor and her extremely honest and sweet songs. It's refreshing to see a 20 year-old performer who has her head on straight and who seems genuinely humbled by her success. I can't help but like her.
And you just might find who you're supposed to be
I didn't know who I was supposed to be at fifteen
Oh, and don't even get me started on her song "The Best Day." Don't. Even. One word: sobfest.
So, there you have it — I am seven months away from being in my thirties (oy), and Taylor Swift songs make me teary-eyed. What's it to ya?
Now please tell me I'm not the only one...
January 11, 2010
sit. stay. work.

January 7, 2010
10% off Night Owl Paper Goods calendars!

January 6, 2010
on the turntable: a little L-O-V-E
I thought it would be fun to share with you the mix that Nick and I made for our wedding guests as a part of our Save the Dates (which we sent nearly two years ago — sheesh! How time flies). We chose fun, upbeat love songs (including a few guilty pleasures) that we thought all ages could enjoy and sing along to. It is still one of my favorite mixes to listen to when I need a little energy or am trying to cheer myself up.
I have linked to each song in iTunes if you feel inspired to purchase any. Happy listening :-)
1. You Got to Me - Neil Diamond
2. Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
3. Come By Me - Harry Connick, Jr.
4. Where You Lead - Carole King
5. Eight Days a Week - The Beatles
6. You're My Best Friend - Queen
7. The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson
8. Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye & Tammy Terrell
9. Still The One - Orleans
10. For Once in My Life - Stevie Wonder
11. Sunshine of Your Love - Cream
12. That's Amore - Dean Martin
13. More Today Than Yesterday - Spiral Staircase
14. The Longest Time - Billy Joel
15. To Be With You - Mr. Big
16. I Will - The Beatles
17. Oh How Happy - Shades of Blue
18. This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) - Natalie Cole
19. Better Together - Jack Johnson
20. You're the First, the Last, My Everything - Barry White
21. I Get a Kick Out of You - Frank Sinatra
22. I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - the Proclaimers
23. Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
24. Gimme Some Loving - The Spencer Davis Group
25. L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole
Good luck getting through the rest of your week!
January 5, 2010
a grainy year
I am loving the wood grain paper, and I just adore Night Owl's whimsical designs.
Did you find yourself a calendar (or two) to get you through 2010?
Number 10: Blurb wedding albums
10. Create wedding albums for parents
Finally I was able to cross this biggie off of my list this Christmas (with glee, might I add). In early December, I hunkered down and designed 12" x 12", 50-page hardcover albums, which I had printed by Blurb. I had never used Blurb before so I was quite nervous for the outcome, but after reading so many rave reviews from the ladies at Weddingbee, I took the chance... and I am pleased to say that I am extremely satisfied with the final result.

Does a Blurb book match the quality of a professionally designed and printed album from your photographer? Of course not. Even with the Premium paper selection and the image wrap cover, you aren't going to get the same attention to detail and the high quality printing that you would otherwise get from a professional album company. But for the money spent, I am elated with the final result, and I'm pretty sure our parents are, too.
In terms of timing, I ordered all three books together on December 8; I received free FedEx Ground shipping with a holiday coupon code. My books were shipped on December 15 and received on December 17. Considering the size and number of pages in my books, I think this is an exceptionally fast turnaround time.
If you're considering ordering from Blurb, a few pointers:
- Pay a little extra for the Premium paper; the final result is worth the additional cost.
- Use the templates provided on the Blurb website (or download their BookSmart® software to lay out your book) to avoid unexpected cropping of photos off of edges or in the spine.
- If you have questions, be safe and contact Blurb customer support before placing your order; I had a few questions and they responded very promptly.
- Selecting the option to remove the logo page from the back of your book (like I did with my first upload) will add quite a bit of cost — for me, it would have cost another $20 per book! And once your book is uploaded, you cannot reverse this selection. Unfortunately, I had to go back and re-upload my entire file, which, because of its size, took a few hours, but was worth the $20 saved. And the small logo on the last blank page of each book isn't so bad :-)
All photos included in our album by The Wiebners
January 4, 2010
bedroom overhaul: I'm so vain
While I still have a bit more work to do before I show you all of the before and afters (I was going to call it "the big reveal" but let's face it, my home decorating skills are nowhere near being awesome enough to call it that), I thought I'd at least show you one bedroom project that is complete: my vanity!

As you can see in the before photos above, the desk and chair were originally painted white and had white wooden knobs. It was in great condition — I just made it over a bit to fit with the rest of our new bedroom decor.

Here's the rundown of how much everything cost:
desk and chair: $25.00 (dinner for my friend as a thank you for giving this to me)
one quart of Glidden Totally Teal semi-gloss paint: $8.96
five glass knobs from Anthropologie: $40.00
new mirror from HomeGoods: $29.99
accent lamp from Target: $9.99
mirrored tray: free (it was my Nana's)
jewelry stand: free (anniversary gift from Nick)
1" brads to hang necklaces: free (already had these)
Total for project: $113.94
Is it totally chic and representative of amazing interior design? Absolutely not. But is it functional and cute? I think so. I would have loved some better lighting and maybe a prettier mirror that stands alone, but the items I found were inexpensive and still decent looking. Most importantly, I have a nice place to sit each morning to get ready for my day, all of my jewelry and makeup have their own place, and it makes me happy. It's also great to have the little bit of extra storage that it provides.
Whaddya think?
Monday morning pick-me-up
You're welcome.
January 2, 2010
start the year off right...
Anywho... how about some good juju to start the year off right? I have mentioned before that I am a big fan of the work of Jessica Hische. If it's at all possible, I'm now an ever bigger fan after reading on her blog that for the first week of 2010, all of the profits from her store will be donated to the ASPCA. Yup — 100% of the profits. How great is that?