May 4, 2010

thank you!

Oh my! Feedburner tells me that 600 of you now subscribe to Claremont Road. It's truly an honor to know that you're reading my lil' old blog every day. Thank you for making this blogger a very happy girl!


  1. Hello! I just wanted you to know that I adore your blog and that I have been a quiet follower for a while now. Just yesterday I received my very first COMMENT on one of my posts from the ever-so-lovely Creature-Gorgeous (Mrs. Perfume) and I was elated! I, too, am newly married and I do enjoy reading your posts. :o)

  2. Wow! What an accomplishment. Love reading all your posts.

  3. Congratulations, Brooke! Although I'm not surprised, because I love your blog and obviously many others do, too. :)


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